Thursday, March 23, 2006

Forgive me father it has been a week since I blogged...

Shocking yet I still have little to report! Kids have been sick all week, Aislinn had the vomiting bug on monday as did Peter so I left them at home and took Quinn to town to get ginger ale for the sickies and mags for me. Now we all have terrible colds and poor Quinn was up in the night last night with croup - looking forward to him out growing that!

After being stuck at home with them driving me mad decided to go to Playcentre despite sickies in preference to killin them LOL. Was ok, Aislinn was a bit whingy but.

What else is new, Aislinn is starting correspondance preschool, she has the same teacher as Quinn and should hopefully get her first posting tomorrow. I got 2 LOs accepted to Up2Scrap, first in awhile - do I win the RAK, e? One of them is one I entered in the FKET comp. Peter has applied for his dream job on a Hereford stud 5 min from Masterton - we might get to go home yet :) Please cross everything as it would be nice for him to have a job he loves.

Have done no scrappin for a good week, mentally am waiting till I get my huge order from the Boxx - god knows when that will be - can't come soon enough. Hmmm Basic Grey Urban Couture drool drool. Cmon April!!!

I can't even put any photos on here at the moment stupid pc is playing up with My Pictures and HP photo editing program - can't access the photos in March folder and printer program keeps freezing the whole puter up. Any techno whizzes out there know how to fix it??

Well better go stop the demon children from killin each other - dunno why I am, would be alot quieter!


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