Friday, March 03, 2006

Thursdays post on friday

Make sense? Nope? never mind. I was in a foul mood yesterday thanks to the latest ep in the family dramas that just won't die so felt it best to restrain myself from posting last night lest I get further into the sh**.

Had to shoot into town to send off My Sweet Baby. fingers crossed it gets to FK by Monday. Popped into the Whare Whero and got some frames for my pics of the kids in the barley and a nice one that I put the one of Peter and the kids in the tree roots at the beach. They look fab :) Also bought the bean some winter jammies as it is getting cold here and her old ones were getting threadbare after she wore them for 2 winters and Payton for one.

Finally knocked up this LO that has been months in the planning. I searched for ages for the perfect pp to go with this shot of bean and finally found it on one of Peta's digi LOs (for those non scrappers out there digi stuff is not available to paper scrappers usually) so being the wonderful marsupial that she is she asked the designer if I could print it off and use it on a paper LO. Thankfully the designer said yes and this is the result. Full credit to Kimberley G for her Suckerpunch pp :)

Well must get on with the day of waiting for the SKY bloke to turn up after a month of waiting for them to fix my decoder.

That was thursday...


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