Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday already - where'd the week go??

Scary how fast this week has gone - only 4 sleeps till the Bean is 3!! ARGH!! I'm not ready!! She has changed her mind again about what cake she wants, for ages it was a pool cake with wee dollies in it (not to mention easy for me to make) now she wants a mermaid cake which means way more hard work and stress for me LOL. I am hoping she'll change her mind by monday when I have to get the stuff to make it! (Pic is silly beanie "sleepin" in the suitcase & my big girl on seesaw at playcentre this mornin)

Pretty average day, took the kids to playcentre. While I was there I was talking to Mary who will be Quinn's teacher later in the year and she tells me he can go an afternoon a week for 4 weeks before he starts full time. He also needs to learn to count to 10 and backwards from 10 *gulp* and how to write his name and colours and shapes. Looks like I will be busy, must get onto Jill about getting more focussed stuff from Correspondance school.

Eskimo has gone to work with Daddy so beanie and I are having some peace, not that I have taken advantage of it by doing uhm housework or erm scrapping. Although I did this fab LO last night. Am getting into this size methinks.

Am pondering Peter's plan to move to town and get a 'town job' and buy a house. More he thinks about it the more he thinks it is a good idea. The more I think about it the more I think it is a bad idea. Honestly he will hate working in a factory or something not on the land. He will hate living in town, any job he'd get would be lower in pay, more monotonous and generally crappy. Owning our own house will be a huge expense and we'd be lucky to afford much of one. As far as I can see the only thing wrong with his job at the mo is Apiti's location, if Apiti was in chelty it would be fab!! He is treated ok by his bosses, he gets more time off and sleep ins than in the last dairying job and there is a bit of variety in the job. K&M are generally onto it about getting stuff done around the house and he could have a worse job really. I plan on having an indepth discussion with him on this as I think moving to town would be a disaster. I think if we get out of Apiti more often that I will cope with living here especially once Quinn goes to school.

Nothing else to report so better be a better wifey than I usually am and get the rained on washing off the line and get tea on.

Oh I forgot! Ssshh!! Don't tell anyone but I have applied for a Design team position on a NZ based website, I probably have no show but it is worth a crack nigel!! Cross everything ;)


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