Sunday, March 05, 2006

Winter has arrived

Sod it all!!! Did we have a summer? I used to think that one day we'd have xmas in winter but now I am thinking NZ is just gonna be a cold place to live - we had what 3 weeks of summer?? I haven't even put the kids clothes from last winter away, only put summer sheets on the beds at xmas and now have to put winter ones back on. I am firmly in the midst of "my god it is cold and we have no warm clothes" annual panic! Whose idea was it for the children to be allowed to grow?? Why do their trakkies suddenly appear to be halfway up their legs when last week they were correctly at their ankles?? Silly me chucked all Aislinn's winter stuff she'd out grown to Fiona for Olivia and now she has erm NO CLOTHES!!!! Apart from the new outfit she got for her birthday. Cmon man upstairs gimme some warm days until the 1st of April!!! Mind you this year I am determined not to give in to the mother's martyr gene and actually buy myself WARM clothes! I always don't bother and freeze my butt off but this year seeing as we will be wintering in Apiti which has to be the coldest place in the north island after Waiouru, I am gonna splurge and buy myself some warm gears including long johns for photo sessions in the snow!!ROFL

Gran and Jo came for a visit today which was lovely. The kids love seeing some of the other side of the family and of course get presents from Gran LOL!! She gave Aislinn a bean bag for her bday which is the best present ever (except we need 2 as they are fighting already!!) She looks so cute in a bed on it complete with Dora blanket and I am a bad scrapper and didn't take a pic!! We had yummy kumara and pumpkin soup which was just the ticket for lunch on a cold day - oops forgot to give Jo the recipie must email it to her tomorrow.

We tried to have a lie in this morning and booted the kids into the lounge to watch tv and make sure the fire was going. It isn't often we wake up in the same bed so we felt a lie around yakking and cuddling (keep ya minds outta the gutter!!) was in order BUT NOOOO!!!! "daddy get up" "daddy come watch tv" "daaaaaaddddddeeeeeee" roll on the day when they happily get up watch tv and make themselves brekky I say!!

Well better get off here and put kidlets to bed. Hope you are all warm and cosy where you are.
Bronny I have ordered everything on the boxx!! *gulp*


At 4:09 pm, Blogger Twobees said...

OMG Sharee. Are you still married RAFLMAO. Can't wait to see a photo of your goodies :)


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