Monday, March 13, 2006

Erm another monday

I started today with a hiss and a roar (well once i managed to get the bean dressed) and decided to spring clean in autumn. Made a list - so perfectionist of me! Peter commented that would have a tidier house if I made fewer lists and did more cleaning! Ya think!! LOL Anyhoo, I did clean Quinn's room, even managed to rearrange furniture, rehang a picture and fix the vacumn cleaner that wasn't suckin and now makes a noise like a tortured mouse BUT it sucks!! Then went on to sort our the playroom and start on the kitchen but then it was lunchtime and Dr Phil about OCD which I need to contract and Oprah about heart disease which I needed to know will kill one in two women so of all of you reading and me half of us will die from heart disease....

and that is your happy thought for today!!!

Needless to say my motivation for housework dried up and I haven't done much this afternoon, quickly catching up on the puter and soon dashing off for a shower before my meeting tonight. Grr do they not know Desperate Housewives is on tonight!!! But I have to go as it is a planning meeting about the Eskimo so I need to have my say about what I want done with him!

Happy Birthday to my adorable nephew Cameron who is 2 today. The kids and I went to his party yesterday. The kids had a blast and loved that Mr Whippy came and Shaun did a great job decorating the blues clues cake.

Got a shock today the sun is actually shining!!! Is blimmin cold but at least I could hang washing on the line for the first time in weeks. Wonder if it will be sunny tomorrow. Wasps nest is gone, Peter finally filled in the hole where the septic tank went in and decided to dig out the bush the nest was in - no more wasps YAY!!

Well better go and get showered ready for my roast tea. Bronny I saw your place in the farmers weekly - can we buy it for $20 a week?? I am sure it won't take more than several millenia to pay of that much! ;) Woohoo Q did number 2 in the right place now i have to give him the big lollipop :)

C ya later


At 9:44 pm, Blogger Twobees said...

I wondered if you would spot our Farm Sharee. It looks realy good, wonder why we are selling now LOL. Not at all. LOL Glad the wasps are gone and the party went well ;). Talk to you later


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