Sunday, May 07, 2006

Forever since I blogged!!

Hello readers! (well I assume someone reads this thing) Life has been hectic around here with all the visitors at Easter and then we went down home to the Wairarapa for a few days at Jo & Bruce's place, of course last week was mad with Quinn starting kindy and we have been out every morning.

Ok can't remember what I last posted about so forgive me if I repeat myself. Easter was busy we had lots of visitors with Shirley (MIL) and Michael (BIL) on sunday and then the entire Farley clan plus Neisha and Cody as well on tuesday night. We headed down to Greytown on the thursday and I spent all day on Friday with Lisa and the kids, their house is looking great and Peter even took the 3 big kids to Jo's so Lisa and I could have some time to ourselves which we never get. Here is a pic of our 4 kids together.

Quinn has settled into kindy remarkably quickly, he only had a few tears on the second day after I left and was fine with Di taking him in on Friday. He is bloody tired and bloody cranky, wee sod keeps waking up at 5am!! So is short a few hours sleep a day. I am hoping he will get used to it all soonish.

The Bean started swimming classes on monday, she looked all grown up swimming without me. She got a bit freaked by having her face in the water and got tearful near the end, I bought her some goggles so hopefully she will be ok tomorrow. She reckons she isn't going swimming again I informed her she owes me the fees if she doesn't LOL!!

What else is new? I am on Weight Watchers and have just finished my first week and lost 1.5kg! GO ME!! Am going to start going to yoga in Kimbolton on a wednesday night so gives me a good excuse to stop watching LOST.

I am gonna be an aunty again, my brother and his wife are having baby number 2 in November or maybe to add to a bust birthday week it will arrive between the 21st and 25th of october LOL.

Haven't been scrapping much, have done a canvas for a girl at playcentre as a baby gift which I hope she will like, will upload a pic once have taken it off my camera. Have comitted to going to scrap camp next month which will be interesting indeed haven't slept in a bunk for years!!

Well that's about all really must try and update more often. C YA!


At 9:38 pm, Blogger Twobees said...

Hey there Sharee. Love the photos. Can't wait to see them scrapped. That is a hint LOL. :) Huge congratulations with the weight loss.


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